Erasmus+ Traineeships & Short Term Research

Erasmus+ Traineeships & Short Term Research

As a result of the UK's departure from the EU and the Erasmus+ Scheme, we can no longer accept Erasmus+ Traineeships for anything other than short term research opportunities, and even then only where we have a bilateral agreement in place between the University of Aberden and your institution.

As these opportunities are not directly administered by the Go Abroad team, students who meet this criteria will first need to contact the relevant department to identify whether an appropriate project and supervising academic is available. A full list of contact information for our departments and research institutes can be found here. If an opportunity is available, students should then download and complete a Visiting Student application, which will need to be forwarded to your supervisor for approval and processing. Visiting students are not guaranteed university-managed accommodation, but if there are still available rooms you are welcome to enquire by contacting our Accommodation Office.

If you require any further information then please don't hesitate to contact us at

Clinical Electives

For visiting undergraduate medical students, the University of Aberdeen offers a Clinical Electives programme for up to 8 weeks over the summer. Places are limited and offered on a first-come first served basis. You can find more information here.